2 days ago Sotya and Lyly came to my office. Sotya mo pamitaaaannn dowwwww!! Y'apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (sambil raising my voice!). So soon!!! Yeah, well ... dirinya mo sekul lagi di Amrik. So faaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
Actually, the came to say goodbye to Andy (I think .... because they didn't expect me to be there!). Tapi karena saya di sana, alhasil, as usual ... CUWAK CUWAK heheheeh .... and fotoh-fotoh. We were a bunch of narcist people.

Jadinya, instead of having a sad goodbye ... we had a very cheerful goobye. Malah terakhir-terakhirnya ada baca2an rajah tangan. My right hand says that I am full of love but never fulfilled ... Whatever that means?
What do you think?
posted by .:nien:.