Tak ‘kan sanggup kita bertahan
Hidup dalam kesendirian
Panas terik, hujan badai ….
Kita lalui bersama.
-Seindah Biasa, Siti Nurhaliza-
The newest song from Siti Nurhaliza which really haunted me lately. Dunno Why? Really!!!!
Tapi kalau Anad pikir saya terhantui gara-gara syairnya .. huaaaaaa … Anda salah besaR!!
Saya punya kebiasaan aneh … saya selalu suka pada suatu lagu for no reason! Mostly, saya suka lagu karena musiknya instead of syair nya. Tapi the rest … ya ituuuuu … for NO REASON whatsoever. Sering kali jga saya hafal satu lagu tanpa tau artinya blass. Silly, huh? So, those beautiful songs that I like mostly are only sederetan kata-kata tanpa arti. Well, sometimes ngerti siiy … soalnya ada yang sampe ‘kena’ juga …..
Especially this new song yang mana saya terhantui banget. Saya surprise banget karena I’ve never been a big fan of this Malay girl. She’s gorgeous and has an outstanding voice but her songs are just not my type gitu loh!
Dan over and over and over saya secara gak sengaja selalu terucap lagu itu tanpa sengaja after ngeliyat Indonesian Idol two weeks ago.
Anyway, seperti yang sudah-sudah … I don’t really get the message, except for those lines above. Video clipnya yang kayaknya ceria tapinya kok ya syairnya yang tentang tak mampu bertahan dalam kesendirian meskipun, later on at the end of the song, ada optimistik yang tersirat about how to overcalm the problem.
Tapi bener loh, kalo dihubung-hubungkan dengan diri saya. Heheheheh …. I was quite lonely last week-end. Dan rasanya week-end kemaren jadi lamaaaaaa banget rasanya buat saya. But, the whole thing makes me think though ….
Actually, I had a wedding invitiation on Saturday night. I have planned everything until some cancelations in the last minute. I can really understand when a friend of mine couln’t leave his work and my pumpkin should attend a family reunion. At the end, saya dan rombongan sirkus yang tersisa decided not to go. We didn’t really feel like going to a party … well, but it’s OKAY, it’s fine … as kata-kata sakti saya yang selalu terucap pada saat something went wrong, THINGS HAPPEN FOR A REASON. Emang siiy … saya gak jadi pergi, emang siiy … saya gak jadi foto-foto di tempat kawinan yg katanya bagus banget …. Tapi at least saya bisa stayed at home nemenin mamie saya dan nulis panjang (which I’ve never done it before) for my blog … ehheheheehhe.
posted by .:nien:.