Goodness! After all these years ....
Setelah mengalami a writer's block, saya mencoba nulis lagi. Duh ... kayak yang nulisnya udah jago aja ya?
Blog ini udah berasa berdebu dan harus dibersihin pelan-pelan, get used to the new blogging world now.
What happened to me lately? Hmmm ... Tesis teteup masih process, procrastination occured every now and then. Sempet ikut writing workshop about a year ago di Singapur, ehhh ... tetep ... That didn't bring my writing passion back to life. Pathetic! I really think that twitter has killed my writing enjoyment. 140 characters ... That's it! Nothing longer than that!
Walaupun in daily activity, nulis or mengarang cukup sering saya lakukan seperti untuk press release ataupun untuk bikin proposal ini itu, tapi writing for unofficial thing is a different thing. Akhirnya kok saya mulei agak sadar ... Passion buat nulis pelan-pelan nongol.
Gara-gara follow @nulisbuku dan tergoda dengan project-projectnya yang menggelitik. Meeting some new friends and old friends and somehow related friends.
Alhamdulillah! Bit by bit ... I'm back!!!
Labels: nulisbuku
posted by .:nien:.